Passion for People & Culture

Moscow - Mega Metropolis

Privet moja dorogaja Rossia!

I've spent a significant part of my life in one of the most tremendous cities in Europe. All those years living in Moscow, traveling accross Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, doing business in the Russian and other CIS markets have fundamentally changed my perception of life and cultures. I'm very much touched by the Russian soul but I'm also scared off by all the hidden and open corruption when living, doing business and dealing with administration in CIS countries. During all my years living in Moscow and doing business in the CIS markets, I understand the Russian political system has always been instrumental for the sole benefits of ruthless Russian rulers squeezing out "their empire".

Never ever has the ordinary Russian peoples' will been respected like would have been in a democratic country. I've learned from a Russian "Natschalnik" that most ordinary Russian people are just followers of their "Natschalnik". They are caged in a ring fenced, controlled system while being manipulated. The ruling regime in Russia does give its ordinary people just a bit more than is needed to keep up satisfaction and believe in projected illusion. This system is well hedged by massive brute force such as police, military, paramilitary, special forces and also criminals. It's sad to see how ordinary Russian people are kept like cattle just to be milked and finally slaughtered if not before migrated to other countries.

Russia: You've never overcome 300 years of suppression by your Zars and another 86 years under the Sowjet system, where as the Western World did overcome slavery and serfdom and gained property rights albeit at a high cost, too high for ordinary Russia people. You know that!

Russia: It's schizophrenic and cynical that Russian elite does love to enjoy Western achievements, amenities and if not also values with money stolen from ordinary Russian people (national wealth). You know that!

Russia: How come you became a killer, murderer, rapist, intruder, destroyer, torturer and such an hideous evil that does even deport and re-educate children, how wretched! You really don't know that?

Russia: What a great country you could have become, friendly imbedded in an international society, based on democratic principles with all ordinary Russian peoples' will represented, being the beneficiary of wealth and prosperity from your resources! You know that!

Russia: You let go this for illusions and lies projected by an absolutely corrupt and ruthless regime! Why? How will you be looking into other eyes? Yes, I know ist is not your culture!

Doing business with Russia means to expect to deal with hideous evil. Shame on those who do for profit and greed!

Moja dorogaja Rossia, I'm very disappointed about the way you took!

Наталья Ч., вы были правы, когда сказали, что я могу уехать из России в любой момент, в то время как обычные русские люди должны остаться!